Tehran (IP) - The leader of the Islamic Revolution said both the Islamic rules and international law preserved the rights of any country to defend itself against any aggression, calling Al-Aqsa Flood the right, legal, and legitimate act of the Palestinian nation against the Israeli aggression.

Iran PressIran news: Delivering the Friday prayers sermons on October 4, 2024, at Imam Khomeini Prayer Hall, following a ceremony honoring Martyr Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and his companions, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the policy of the world's arrogant powers is "to cast division and then rule" and the basis of their work is to cast division.

They have implemented the policy in different countries with different methods until today and they do not give up, which causes the hearts of the Islamic nations to become discorded toward each other, he added:

"But today the nations have woken up and I say that today is the day that the Islamic Ummah can overcome this trick of the enemies of Islam and Muslims."

If the very policy came to effect in any country, they would go to another country, he said, and stressed that the nations must not allow such a thing to happen.

"Every nation who want to avoid the enemy's paralyzing sieges, they must be vigilant from the very beginning and remain awake and whenever they see the enemy goes to the other nation, consider themselves with that oppressed nation and help them so that the enemy could not be successful there."

Referring to the enemies' different approaches to division-casting policy, Ayatollah Khamenei said: The enemy of the Iranian nation is the very enemy of the nations of Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other Islamic countries.

All of divisive orders are issued from the same command chamber with the only difference in the orders being in the different methods of implementation of the policy in Islamic countries.

Rights Preserved for Every Nation to Defend Itself Against Foreign Aggression; Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Legitimate, Legal

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the teachings of Islam and the international law about the duty of the Islamic nations in confronting the enemies' aggression:

"The defense rules of Islam have determined our duty; Either in Islam's rules, the Constitution or the international laws in the in writing of which we had no role, but it states that every nation has the right defend its land, identity, and interests against aggression."

In his continued remarks, the Leader stressed the need to fortify defense and preserve dignity across the Islamic world. "We must strengthen the defensive belt of independence and honor from Afghanistan to Yemen, and from Iran to Gaza and Lebanon in all Muslim nations," he said. He noted that his message was particularly directed toward the people of Lebanon and Palestine.

The Leader referenced Islamic teachings, the Iranian Constitution, and international law in justifying the defense of nations against external threats: "Islamic defensive rulings make our duties clear. Both in Islam’s teachings and in our Constitution—as well as in international laws, which we did not draft but are obligated to follow—it is stated that every nation must defend its land, identity, and interests against aggression."

He also reaffirmed the right of Palestinians to determine their own fate and resist occupation, saying: "the people of Palestine must decide the future of their country, and no international court or organization has the right to challenge them for standing firm against the Zionist regime," the Leader stated.

There again he reiterated: "No one, based on any logic, has the right to object to Lebanon's Hezbollah for supporting the uprising of the Palestinian nation. It is their duty. This is both international and Quranic logic. Defending the Palestinians is legitimate and supporting them is also legitimate."

The Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023, was a right, logical, and legal move and the Palestinians were right to defend themselves against the Israeli aggression, the Leader pointed out.

Iran Neither Rushes nor Hesitates in Response to Israeli Aggression

He highlighted the Islamic Republic's military response to the Israeli regime's violation of Iran's territorial integrity and in defense of the Palestinian and Lebanese nations and praised it as a full legal act.

"What our armed forces did was the least punishment for the occupying Zionist regime, which was done in response to the astonishing crimes of the vampire and bestial regime, and the rabid dog of the US in the region."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei noted that Iran would take any measure necessary as a duty in response to the Israeli regime's crimes and stressed: "We will neither rush nor hesitate to do the duty."

Ayatollah Khamenei reminded the fact to the people that what was carried out in the recent Operation True Promise in response to the Israeli regime's aggression was planned by the military and political decision-makers and if further measures were needed, it would be taken in due time and place.

In his second sermon, Ayatollah Khamenei Addressed the Palestinian and Lebanese people in Arabic, and at the end, he performed the Friday prayer.  


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