Governments, the UN system, and all disaster risk reduction stakeholders gathered for the seventh session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 in Bali, organised by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and hosted by the Government of Indonesia.

Iran PressAsia: As part of the official GP/DRR programme, the thematic session on data challenges and solutions for disaster risk management was held on 26 May 2022.
"Despite great advances in technology and data science, gathering and applying disaster-relevant data and statistics to investment decisions to reduce disaster risk is still a challenge. We need to be able to account for the full scale of losses from disasters – small, recurring, and major extreme events. And we need to have clear, data-based overviews on disaster risks, including those induced by climate change", said APDIM Director Ms. Letizia Rossano during the session which drew over 400 participants attending in-person and over 2500 attended online.
The thematic session panellists discussed ways to improve data governance in a way that the benefits of the resultant policies, programmes, and investments enable the governments to ensure effective risk reduction measures are in place and to reach the most vulnerable in all scenarios. They also discussed the role of data community in enhancing the use of disaster risk data across development and humanitarian planning. 
The discussion at the session highlighted that:

• Effective collection, dissemination and application of relevant data and statistics about disaster risk and impact is of paramount importance at national and local level to form the evidence base for policy, planning, implementation and investment in development and humanitarian domains across different sectors and to ensure that no-one is left behind.
• Strong data governance is required to access quality disaster and climate data by working across departmental silos and administrative levels to produce relevant analysis and products to inform disaster risk policy and investments, ideally in the context of a national disaster data policy is key.
• Building of capacities is necessary to increase the demand for disaster risk data and information and its application towards risk assessment and climate change analysis, including by leveraging on strategic partnerships and latest technology.


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