University of Nairobi hosted a conference by Iran's Embassy themed "Retracing Influence of Persian Civilization and culture on East African Communities." on Thursday.

Why it matters:

The Persian civilization, brought to East Africa by Iran's Shirazis and Balochis in the mid-18th century, led to an enriched cultural identity, boosted economy, and social cohesion. This continues to contribute to a deeper understanding of historical and contemporary interactions between Iranian and East African nations.


What They Are Saying:

Ali Gholampour, Iran's ambassador: Certain herbs, spices, and instruments were introduced to the region by the Persians, and their influence is still evident today, particularly in the coastal areas.

Fatuma Mohammed, governor of Kwale County: Shirazi descendants still reside there in the region, and they enriched the area with their blended Persian and Swahili culture, which gave rise to the Shirazi dialect.

Ali Pourmarjan, Iran's Cultural Attache: The impact of the Persian Shirazi community is often omitted though their contribution to Africa is immense and worthy to be made part of the people's identity.


Key Points:

•    The event highlights the historical ties between Persia (modern-day Iran) and East Africa, particularly Kenya.
•    Historical interactions continue to influence contemporary lives.
•    Influences include religion, art, culture, economic activities, and social structures.
•    The legacy of Shirazis and Balochis in the region is considered a common cultural legacy for both Kenyans and Iranians.


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