Why It Matters:
Since 1994, when South Africa became a democracy, it has enjoyed strong diplomatic and trade relations with Iran. The Islamic Revolution in Iran played an important role in inspiring the liberation movements towards victory over the Apartheid regime, despite its support from bigger powers.
The Big Picture:
The white racist Apartheid regime in South Africa enjoyed strong ties with Iran under the rule of the Shah. With the Islamic revolution in Iran, the new government under the leadership of Imam Khomeini took the principled stance of severing ties with Apartheid South Africa and Zionist Israel.
Iran’s Islamic Revolution was viewed as an inspiration for South Africa’s freedom movement and witnessed many Muslims also entering the struggle against Apartheid, as the revolution confirmed that Islam gave Muslims the responsibility of rising against oppression.
What He Is Saying:
Farid Sayed contextualizes the Islamic Revolution in Iran with South Africa’s liberation struggle in the 1970s and how the overthrow of the Shah was a catalyst that reinvigorated the anti-Apartheid movement. He observes the advancements made by Iran and how they can assist South Africa in overcoming its challenges.
Key Points:
- Farid Sayed In an Exclusive interview with Iran Press said: The Islamic revolution can be viewed on various levels; in a South African context and internationally, and also what it meant for the Iranian people.
- He said: For South Africa, after the Sharpeville massacre when liberation movements were banned, many thought the struggle had been quelled. But the 1976 Youth Uprising in Soweto township was a watershed in the struggle against Apartheid with students and leaders looking for international inspiration to continue.
- The world was also dominated by the superpowers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union, He added.
- The Islamic Revolution in Iran demonstrated revolutionary leadership by Imam Khomeini and fearless commitment to take on the superpowers.
- The Islamic revolution in Iran gave impetus to struggles such as in South Africa, it gave courage.
- For a region like Kashmir, at the time it had become a forgotten struggle, but the Islamic Revolution also reinvigorated the struggle.
- The Revolution further showed staggering improvement in the quality of life for Iranians, taking them out of poverty.
- Despite the challenges, the Islamic Republic of Iran has excelled, including in the fields of education and health. And South Africa, as a young democracy, can learn many lessons from Iran
Go Deeper:
Iran's Islamic Revolution, First Political System Based on Holy Quran Teachings
Hossein Vaez