Sweden and Finland have made good progress towards an agreement with Turkey on the Nordic countries' admission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs said on Wednesday.

Iran PressEurope: "We had a very good bilateral yesterday between Sweden, Finland and Turkey and I felt after this meeting that there is progress. We are moving forward," Tobias Billstrom told reporters on arrival for the second day of a NATO foreign ministers meeting.

The US Senate has earlier ratified the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO, strongly backing the expansion of the transatlantic alliance in the face of Russia's military operation in Ukraine.

The Senate voted 95 to 1 in favor of the two Nordic countries' accession, making the United States the 23rd of the 30 NATO countries to formally endorse it so far, after Italy and France approved it earlier.

The accession documents need to be ratified by all 30 North Atlantic Treaty Organization members before Finland and Sweden can be protected by Article Five, the defense clause that states that an attack on one member is an attack against all.


Read More:

US Senate approves Nato membership for Finland and Sweden

French parliament, Italy's Lower House back accession of Sweden, Finland to NATO

Sweden and Finland reportedly agree to apply to NATO



Maryam Abolbagha