Iran Press/ Health: The hearty, winter veg has two parts: the white and purple bulb, and the green leaves. It’s actually a cruciferous vegetable, in the same vein of green leafy staples like kale, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower—making it one of the healthiest foods you could eat, if only you gave it a chance.
Yes, eating turnips may seem like the vegetable equivalent of joining the Mathletes, but rest assured: the limits do not exist when it comes to turnip’s health benefits. We asked a few experts for the specifics, Well+Good reported.
What are turnip health benefits, anyway?
1. It is high in inflammation-fighting compounds
"Cruciferous vegetables are some of the healthiest foods since they contain many antioxidants, as well as compounds known as glucosinolates," says registered dietitian Whitney English, RDN. Antioxidants, of course, combat inflammation and other damage caused by free radicals in the body. As for glucosinolates, they have been linked to a lower risk of cancer, and support healthy cell production.
2. It’s good for your gut
One cup of cubed raw turnips packs around two grams of fiber, which is more than just a drop in your daily suggested intake. The fiber in turnips help fight bloating, gas, and constipation, while also lowering cholesterol and the risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes, says Brigitte Zeitlin, RD. Since fiber moves slower through your gastrointestinal tract, it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and satiety.
3. It’s a natural source of folate
Most notably, folate is “an essential nutrient for pregnant women and women thinking of preconception health,” Zeitlin says. Even if you’re not pregnant right now, getting your folate can help support cardiovascular health and increase energy levels, which is why women over 18 should be getting around 400 micrograms per day. You’ll get 20 micrograms of folate in one cup of chopped turnips (five percent of your daily value), and a whopping 107 micrograms (or 27 percent of your daily value) in one cup of chopped turnip greens.
4. It supports Bone health
Just one cup of turnip greens contains 138 micrograms of vitamin K—that’s 153 percent of what you should be getting every day—which aids in bone health and is an important blood-clotting agent. Consider this yet more proof that we should all be eating more root vegetable greens and not just throwing them out.
5. Turnips—and their greens—are brain food
"Turnip greens are actually more concentrated with micronutrients like carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lutein," English says when comparing the root with the greens. In fact, these leafy greens have been shown to aid healthy brain function. The anti-inflammatory properties of lutein also contribute to eye health.
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