Tehran (IP) - Masoud Satayshi, the spokesman of the Judiciary branch of Iran in a press conference on Wednesday said Iran's judiciary has been following the Swedish court's illegal verdict against Iranian detained citizen Hamid Nouricase for more than four years, and this unfair sentence won't be expected.”

Iran PressIran news: Hamid Nouri is an Iranian citizen whom the Swedish government has illegally imprisoned for 50 months over unfounded allegations. 

On Tuesday, the Swedish appeals court confirmed the conviction of a former Iranian judicial official and handed a life sentence to him.

Earlier Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the court verdict, calling it "fundamentally unacceptable" and "strongly" condemned it.

On Wednesday, Masoud Setayshi, the spokesman of the Judiciary branch of the Islamic Republic of Iran in a weekly press conference said: The harsh sentence was against international law and showed that the Swedish court, instead of a fair trial, sided with a terrorist group and did not even allow the presence of Nouri's witnesses in the court, and even threatened to arrest his witnesses.

Masoud Setayeshi added: Although the Swedish court is unjust and regrettable, it was predictable.

The Svea Court of Appeal said in a statement on Tuesday that it “affirmed the judgment... in significant parts” that had been given to Hamid Nouri in July 2022 for his alleged role in cases of human rights violations in Iran.

Iran's judiciary spokesman added: "We will not recognize any verdict except the acquittal verdict regarding the proof of Mr. Noori's innocence. We consider this clear cruelty as illegal and a clear violation of the Charter of Human Rights."

He said: The process, was followed under the influence and pressure of the most hated terrorist group, and conveyed messages for Iranians.

Setayshi in response to the question of the Iran Press about the trial of Johan Henrik Niels Flodros, a Swedish citizen imprisoned in Iran said: The third trial of the Swedish citizen was held on charges of spying for the Zionist regime.

Setyaishi added: The case is being processed in the 26th branch of the Islamic Revolution Court, and in the third session, the proposal was made in the presence of the official translator, his lawyers, and the Swedish chargé d'affaires and they will be given a full opportunity to defend.

About the details of the handling of the accusations of Johan Henrik Nils Flodros, Setayeshi also said that the case is being processed in court. The proceedings will continue according to the law.

Setayshi emphasized that as soon as the legal restrictions are lifted, the case details will be announced.

The first hearing session for Johan Henrik Niels Flodros was held on December 10, at Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran.

The hearing was held under the chairmanship of Judge Afshari.

According to the report of the Ministry of Intelligence and the documents obtained, an investigation has been conducted and the defendant's remarks indicate that he was in contact with the Zionist regime.

Flowers has had a vast connection with agents and elements of the European Union and representatives related to the MEK terrorist group. He was acting under the disguise of humanitarian projects with the guidance of Israeli agents.

Johan Henrik Niels Flodros is accused of committing an offense that is documented in Article 286 of the Islamic Penal Code and Article 6 of the Law on Countering the Hostile Actions of the Zionist Regime. Therefore, based on the available evidence, he will face punishment.

Johan Floderus was detained in April 2022 for alleged spying.


FM Spox condemns Swedish courts ruling against Iranian citizen

Unfair verdict of a Swedish court against an Iranian citizen


Hossein Vaez