Tehran (IP) - Iran's High Council for Human Rights published the results of its investigations over the claims by a UN special rapporteur about a female prisoner in Iran.

Iran PressIran news: The statement of the Iranian Human Rights body was in response to a tweet by the UN Special Rapporteur Mary Lawlor claiming Atena Daemi was barred from contact with her family. 

The statement advised the rapporteurs to rely on authentic sources: "Special mandate holders should rely on credible sources."

"The HCHR investigated the news and the results are as follows: she has met 34 times his family and lawyer during past 7 months. She has also no problem phoning her family in line with the relevant regulations," Iran's High Council for Human Rights responded to Mary Lawlor. 

The UN rapporteur's claims came as all prisoners in Iran have the right to contact and visit their families and lawyers under the rules and regulations.
