Tehran (IP) - The head of Iran's Scientific Committee of Coronavirus Combat and Prevention Headquarters called the Islamic country as the pioneer of the anti-COVID-19 campaign.

Iran PressIran News: Mostafa Ghanei made the remarks on Thursday at a press conference held via video conferencing at the Health Ministry stated that no vaccine or medicine has been invented to treat the disease yet but if anyone has treatment methods, it must be approved by the scientific committee first.

Referring to Trump's suggestion to the American nation about injecting disinfectant as a possible treatment for COVID-19, the Iranian health official said: "Iran is the forerunner in controlling the virus without breaching hygienic and health global standards, while a country's high official suggests something illogical which threatens public health."

According to Ghanei, with the formation of the Scientific Committee, any proposal for the treatment or diagnosis of the disease was examined.

"If the scientific committee had not been formed, many people would have decided to market their drugs in this crisis and increase their consumption by creating induced demand. So the Scientific Committee made people feel safe and confident that what the Ministry of Health deems appropriate has entered the treatment protocol," the official added.

Ghanei continued: "Despite the problems that the coronavirus created for us, a good effort was formed in the scientific community and the technology effort was added to it."

"It is rare for a country to become an exporter in less than two months when a viral disease enters the country and requires diagnostic kits, indicating that the country's scientific and technological strength is good," he said.

"Work on the vaccine is also underway, and we can hope that if one day the vaccine is produced anywhere in the world, Iran will not be far behind other countries," the head of Iran's Scientific Committee of Coronavirus Combat and Prevention Headquarters concluded.


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Iran’s Health Ministry, a forerunner in fighting against coronavirus

Iran conducts research and development on anti-coronavirus medicine

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