Tehran (IP)- The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) increased the official selling price of all types of crude oil for delivery to Asian customers in October.

Iran PressIran news:  According to the international affairs department of NIOC, the company has set the price of light crude oil, heavy crude oil, and Forouzan crude for October delivery by $5.55, $2.3, and $2.2 higher than the average Oman/Dubai oil price, respectively.

The average price of Oman/Dubai crude oil is the base price of crude oil in West Asia.

Iran has set the official selling price of light crude oil in the northwest European market 65 cents higher than Brent, and the price of heavy and Forouzan crude oil in this market is $2.9 and $3 lower than Brent, respectively.

Saudi Aramco had previously announced that it had increased the official oil price to Asian and European customers for delivery in October 2022.


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NIOC announces crude oil prices for september delivery

ahmad shirzadian