Gaza (IP) – Different Palestinian people and groups condemned the US president's visit to occupied Palestine and Saudi Arabia.

Iran PressMiddle East: Residents of the Gaza Strip and Palestinian groups and parties gathered in Gaza and considered Joe Biden's visit to occupied Palestine and Saudi Arabia in favor of the US and the Israeli regime, as well as the continuation of the Zionists' crimes against the Palestinian people.

The president of the United States entered occupied Palestine last Wednesday and went to Saudi Arabia after consulting with the leaders of the Israeli regime.

After Biden's visit to occupied Palestine, Israeli fighter jets targeted different areas of the Gaza Strip with rocket attacks on Saturday morning. During his trip to occupied Palestine, Biden supported the Israeli regime and emphasized guaranteeing the fragile security of this regime.

The Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza emphasized that the American positions and plots announced by Biden in occupied Palestine are based on the elimination of the Palestinian cause, the right of return of refugees, the right to self-determination, and the legalization of settlements.

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During the anti-American and anti-Zionist rally, Ismail Rizwan, a senior Hamas member, told the Iran Press correspondent that Biden's ill-fated trip to the region was made with the aim of supporting the Israeli regime at the cost of weakening and ignoring the rights of Palestinians.

He said that the United States and the Israeli regime have sinister plots with the aim of fragmenting the region and destroying the Palestinian cause, but these plans will fail with the steadfastness of the Palestinian people.

In addition, the United States is looking for a new alignment in the West Asian region to influence the Resistance Axis, which is a serious challenge to the fragile existence and security of the Israeli regime and has faced a serious crisis in the Zionists' political society.

Ahmad al-Mudallal, one of the leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement (PIJ), told Iran Press that the purpose of Biden's trip to the Arab region was to form an Arab NATO to counter the Resistance Axis that has challenged the Israeli regime.

He underlined that the efforts of the United States, the Israeli regime and reactionary Arab regimes have no effect on the will of the Resistance Axis and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and that the Resistance Axis stands with might against global arrogance.


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Mojtaba Darabi