Iran Press/Iran news: The 35th International Conference on Islamic Unity started on Tuesday with the presence of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi in accordance with the health protocols.
In a press conference on Monday, the secretary-general of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, Hamid Shahriari noted the 35th international conference is held entitled "Islamic Unity; Peace and Avoidance of Division and Conflict in the Islamic World".
The conference will be held from 19 October to 24 October.
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The cleric said the conference will focus on peace, Islamic brotherhood and counter-terrorism, religious freedom thinking, acceptance of religious ijtihad against takfiri thoughts and extremism, Islamic empathy and avoidance of tensions and conflicts, mutual respect between Islamic sects, observing the norms of differences and avoiding disputes, desecration and insults, clarification of the term “united ummah” and the union of Islamic countries, Palestine and the Islamic Resistance and honoring Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri, the former Secretary-General of WFPIST.
Four in-person sessions and seven sessions on the sidelines will be held in which 17 prominent personalities will give lectures in-person in four sessions. Also, due to the observance of health protocols, over 230 guests will attend the conference in-person, of which 52 are international guests from 16 countries and 180 are domestic guests.
Shahriari added that the virtual lecturers' number 514 from 39 countries.
The lectures would be broadcast on two virtual networks.
In the field of cyberspace, 24 webinars will be held and in each session, 15 Islamic world scholars and political and social figures will speak from a total of 39 countries, and these programs would be broadcast through cyberspace, he explained.
Seminary and university professors have also announced to submit 50 scientific papers to the permanent secretariat of the international conference on Islamic unity.
"We are facing many problems in the Islamic world today, including war, division and conflict," the top cleric said, noting, "The enemies of the Islamic world and global arrogance are trying to create problems for the Islamic world."
The purpose of the conference is that Muslims live together in peace and tranquility, work together to form a single Islamic Ummah, and witness the establishment of the union of Islamic countries in peace and security.
The 35th conference has two scientific and executive sections, which work in the executive section of the Content and National Information Working Groups, Content and International Information, Compilation and Production, and the Media and Advertising Working Group.
This year's conference organizers have tried to invite thinkers from all geographical regions such as South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus, and these lectures are scheduled to be uploaded in cyberspace in Persian, English, and Arabic.
Unity Week was introduced by Imam Khomeini at the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, and every year begins on the 12th of Rabi al-Awal, the birthday of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) according to the Sunnis, and until the 17th of Rabi al-Awal, the birthday of the Messenger of God (PBUH) according to the Shias, which will be from October 19 to October 24 this year. In this regard, the International Conference on Unity is held by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (WFPIST) has been established by the order of the Leader of the Revolution since 1990. So far, 34 sessions of the Unity Conference have been held.
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