Islamabad (IP)- Save Gaza Campaign's leaders, members, and citizens held a rally in Islamabad's D Square and strongly protested against Israeli atrocities.

Iran PressAsia: Men and women along with small children also participated in the Save Gaza Campaign protest in large numbers and expressed solidarity with the oppressed children of Palestine while the participants of the protest carried Palestinian flags and supporting placards in their hands. Addressing the protesters, the speakers said that the kind-hearted people of the whole world are raising their voices against the ongoing Israeli aggression on Palestine, but the Israeli crimes are not stopping.

The team leader of the Save Gaza Campaign, Humira Tayyaba, said in her speech that the government signed an agreement with us on June 22, in which the demands of the Save Gaza Campaign for the prevention of Israeli crimes and solidarity with Palestine were demanded. Still, our demands have not been accepted yet and the agreement was not fulfilled, so we have started the protest again.

Addressing this occasion, former Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, the main leader of the Save Gaza campaign, said that the situation in Gaza has become very alarming, many safe zones including schools have been targeted, while the announcements made for the aid of Gaza are inadequate, while dogs are being aimed at elderly women and patients in Palestine. He added that Israel is committing heinous war crimes by continuing its aggression while the apathetic behavior of Muslim rulers is adding to the pain of the Palestinians. 

Former Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan said while praising the Iranian leadership's stance on this occasion and said that there is no doubt that Iran is the only one in the Muslim Ummah that is not only openly opposing Israeli atrocities but also taking practical steps.

On this occasion, the Save Gaza Campaign announced that if the Pakistani government does not fulfill the agreement made with the campaign, then this protest will be held in every city of the country and the process of registering 100,000 members will also start to strengthen the Palestine cause. 204

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