Iran Press/ Middle East: Coinciding with the mourning rituals of Imam Hossein (PBUH), Karbala on the nights of Muharram has deeply embedded in Imam Hossein's emotions.
Bayn al-Haramayn is the area between the al-Abbas Shrines, which is a distance of 378 meters. It is said to be the exact place where the fighting in the Battle of Karbala took place.

According to Iranpress, Iraqi, Iranian, and other pilgrims headed to Karbala in Iraq to participate in the mourning rituals of Tasua and Ashura days.
The tenth of Muharram is the anniversary of the martyrdom of the younger grandson of Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny), the Chief of Martyrs Imam Hussein (AS).
He was martyred on the same day in the year 61 A.H., at the age of 57, in the desert of Karbala, in southern Iraq.
In the Battle of Karbala, Imam Hussain fought against an army from Kufa on Muharram 10, 61 A.H(October 10, 680 ), who were mercenary soldiers of tyrant Yazid ibn Mu'awiya, the second Umayyad caliph.
Bayn al-Haramayn dressed in black for Muharram
Hossein Vaez