The present report has been compiled to provide information appertaining to the cause of the death of Mahsa Amini and the facts on the ground regarding the exploitation of the issue in question to spark riots and insecurity in Iran.

Iran PressIran News: Mahsa Amini, along with some other women who violated the social dress codes, were taken to one of the police departments in Tehran on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.

As the CCTVs show, Mahsa Amini is talking with one of the police staff when she suddenly faints and falls to the ground.

She was immediately taken to the hospital, but unfortunately, she died on Friday, September 16, 2022.

Statement Released by Legal Medicine Organization on Cause of Death of Mahsa Amini following the transfer of the preceding person to the hospital, the Forensic Medicine Organization – on the order of the Tehran Prosecutor – immediately sent a specialized team to handle the case and conduct a detailed examination of her therein. Once informed of the death, the deceased's body was transferred to the Dissection Hall of the Tehran Province Diagnostic and Laboratory Centre, where a physical examination and autopsy were performed.

In dealing with the case, all the criteria and indicators for determining the cause of the death, physical examination, and internal organs of the body, as well as samples taken from the tissues and internal organs thereof, were sent to specialized laboratories so that – as soon as the results of the tests were received and taking into account the results of the examinations and the autopsy, the contents of the hospital file and her medical records, as well the opinions of experts in related fields, all of which were gathered under the supervision of a special medical commission formed in the Forensic Medicine Organization by order of the Tehran Prosecutor – the real cause of the death would subsequently be unraveled and notified to the judicial authority.

In a statement released on October 7, 2022, the Legal Medicine Organization explained the cause of the death. The statement stipulates that her death was not caused by blows to the head or any vital organs and parts of the body.

The statement reads: "After undergoing craniopharyngioma surgery to remove a brain tumor at the age of 8, the deceased developed a disorder in the important hypothalamus-pituitary axis and the glands under its' command, including adrenal and thyroid. Due to the underlying disease, the deceased was treated with hydrocortisone, levothyroxine, and desmopressin. On September 13, 2022, at 19:56, she suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Given the underlying disease, the deceased did not have the necessary ability to cope with and get a hold of the situation; therefore, she developed a disorder in her heart rhythm and suffered from decreased blood pressure and, subsequently, a reduced level of consciousness."

" A cardio-respiratory resuscitation operation proved ineffective, and in the first critical minutes, she suffered from severe hypoxia and brain damage. Notwithstanding the recommencement of heart function following the resuscitation operation conducted by the emergency room personnel, the respiratory support proved ineffective. Despite her admittance to the hospital and efforts invested by the medical staff of Kasra Hospital, the patient was pronounced dead on September 16, 2022, given multiple organ failures caused by cerebral hypoxia."

"It should be noted that on the strength of hospital medical documents, the examination of CT scan of the brain and lungs, the results of physical examination of the body and autopsy, as well as pathology tests, death was not caused by blows to the head or any vital organs and parts of the body."

Final Points

1. The Forensic Medicine Organization in any country is considered the most competent and specialized institution to produce opinions on issues such as the cause of death. Specific human rights mechanisms and countries have unfortunately been prejudiced and judgmental from the very beginning and talked about blows to the head of the previous person and even claimed that she was murdered. Albeit it was crystal clear in the first days that there was no beating, now, with the statement of the Forensic Medicine Organization, it is seriously expected that they will immediately rectify their mistake, which has been made on purpose or thoughtlessly.

2. Certain human rights mechanisms and countries have described the riotous gatherings that disrupt security and public order as peaceful and supported the rioters. Of course, their political objectives are no mystery to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Now that more dimensions of the riots and the hands at play have been unraveled – especially following the statement of the Ministry of Intelligence – they are seriously expected to change their positions. As explained in Report No. 1, the peaceful gatherings that took place in different parts of the Country following the death of the preceding person have unfortunately morphed into riots and vandalism. In the meantime, certain European countries and the United States started to intervene and support the rioters by openly interfering in Iran's internal affairs in a completely unconventional manner and contrary to international standards. Other external factors, such as terrorist groups and foreign-based Farsi language networks, also directed their agents and capacities in the riots and supported them. 

3. It is evident that using firearms, perpetrating violence against people and police forces, attacking and setting aflame public, government, and private properties and places, blocking public roads, as well as looting and attacking people's property – all of which result in prosecution and entail criminal responsibility – are not considered peaceful protests. Public order requires that any decision to stage gatherings be notified to the police, as they are the ones tasked with maintaining security and public order. 

4. As stated by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the riots have nothing to do with the death of Mahsa Amini, the hijab, and women's rights. The enemies of Iran used this pretext and sparked chaos and riots with their continuous plans. In the meantime, those who did not commit acts of sabotage and security disturbing measures are basically separate from those who entered the riots under the command of certain elements. That is why half of the detainees have hitherto been released based on Islamic leniency.

5. The Iranian people have, over the last four decades, been exposed to severe human rights violations in the cruelest way. The United States'imposition of cruel unilateral sanctions and the 17,000 victims of terror as a result of terrorist operations carried out by the terrorist groups that are now living in the safe havens provided by the US, and Europe are only two of the main examples of the egregious human rights violations of the Iranian people. The same countries that are at the forefront of imposing and implementing sanctions on Iran and supporting terrorist groups, instead of apologizing to the Iranian nation and rectifying their destructive behavior and actions, now claim to be championing the human rights of the Iranian people!

6. Now that it has become clear that the death of the abovenamed was not caused as a result of allegations of beating, and considering the support of the United States, certain European countries, and some so-called media outlets for the riots and vandalism, all of these countries and the media networks are responsible for the damages caused to public and private property, facilities and equipment, as well as the blood of innocent people who lost their lives or were injured; and, the Islamic Republic of Iran will follow up on this matter in appropriate ways until the rights of its people are fulfilled. In the same framework, the Islamic Republic of Iran advises the human rights mechanisms to observe impartiality, fairness, and professionalism and refrain from entering into the political agenda of certain countries.

7. The Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to protecting its people's fundamental rights and freedoms according to the accepted laws and obligations; therefore, it will seriously pursue any restrictions or violations of rights. In this regard, additional reports on public and private property destruction and dealing with judicial cases will be compiled and presented.



Read more:

Iran's LMO reveals details, causes of Mahsa Amini's death

Iran Police: Heart attack; No physical contact against Mahsa Amini

Farhad Nayeb