Tehran (IP)- The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei after receiving the second dose of the Iran Covo-Barakat vaccine said on Friday morning that we would inevitably use safe foreign production, but we should focus on domestic production.

Iran PressIran News: The Leader emphasized that of course, in addition to domestic production, we will inevitably use safe foreign production, but we must focus on domestic production and prevent people from waiting and delaying, and we hope that the distribution of vaccines will be easy and smoothly done among the people.

Ayatollah Khamenei blamed the disruption on people's access to the vaccine, mainly due to foreign vaccine sellers' failure to adhere to their promises, and stated: "The people and officials must be reminded that relying on others causes problems, so we must be able to stand on our own two feet in all matters."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also referred to the successive mutations of the virus and the persistence of its dangers and called on the people to continue to observe health procedures, saying that prolonging the disease should not reduce sensitiveness and everywhere, including various religious and non-religious ceremonies, the principle is to fully comply with the procedures recommended by the authorities, such as masks and distancing.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that if the people accept to fully comply with the rules of compliance with health protocols for a period of time, the disease will be eradicated or at least its spread, and the risk of death and financial losses will stop.

Addressing the officials, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that government agencies should seriously support the production of domestic vaccines so that this can be done in the best possible way.

Next administration should seriously pursue solving problems of Khuzestan

In another part of his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the problems of the people of Khuzestan and said that in recent days, one of the really painful concerns was the issue of water in Khuzestan and the problems of the people.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "Now the governmental and non-governmental organizations have started working, and also the next administration that will come to the office, must follow the work seriously."

Ayatollah Khamenei further referred to the deeply painful problems of the loyal people of Khuzestan province in the field of water and instructed the officials of governmental and non-governmental organizations to seriously address the problems and issues of the people of Khuzestan.

Ayatollah Khamenei complained about the non-observance of several previous recommendations about Khuzestan water and Ahvaz sewage, adding that if those recommendations were taken into account, it would certainly not create a situation that would upset the loyal people of Khuzestan despite all the natural facilities and potentials and factories in the province.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that the people expressed their grief, but they cannot be blamed because the issue of water is not a small issue even in the hot climate of Khuzestan.

Referring to the loyal and selfless presence of the people of Khuzestan at the forefront of the problems of the eight years of holy defense, the Leader highlighted: "These people should not have problems and if the people's problems were addressed at duo time, this situation would not arise."

Ayatollah Khamenei also advised the people to beware of the enemy's conspiracies and said: "The enemy seeks to use everything against the revolution and the country and the interests of the people, so all must be vigilant not to give them an excuse."


Read more:

Leader receives 2nd dose of Iranian COVID-19 vaccine

I have waited for Iranian vaccine because of respecting national honor

Farhad Nayeb