New York (IP): In a letter to the President of the UN Security Council, Amir Saied Iravani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations, emphasized that The Islamic Republic of Iran is not responsible for the actions of any individual or group in the region.

Iran PressAmerica: According to Iran press, Amir Saied Iravani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations, in his letter to the President of the UN Security Council wrote: "I am writing to respond to the letter dated 26 January 2024 (S/2024/101) from the Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations. The letter contains unwarranted references alleging militia groups affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces involving in actions against U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq and Syria."

Iran's Top diplomat further stated: "The Islamic Republic of Iran categorically rejects these unfounded allegations."

"As previously emphasized in our correspondences, including the letters dated 4 December 2023 and 2 January 2024 (S/2023/953- S/2024/9), there is no group affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces, whether in Iraq, Syria, or elsewhere, that operates directly or indirectly under the control of the Islamic Republic of Iran or acts on its behalf. Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran is not responsible for the actions of any individual or group within the region."

Iravani elsewhere said: "Furthermore, the actions undertaken by the United States in Syria and Iraq are illegal and violate both international law and the UN Charter, particularly Article 2(4) of the Charter."

"Consequently, the US notification submitted to the Security Council in the aforementioned letter under Article 51 of the UN Charter lacks a legal foundation and fails to legitimize such actions", he concluded. 204


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