UN (IP) - Iran rejects these baseless allegations, viewing them as a pretext used by the United States to justify and legitimize its illegal actions and military aggression against Yemen, said the permanent representative of Iran in the UN.

Iran PressAmerica: Amir-Saeed Iravani said on Monday, that the United States has misused the Security Council platform to advance its short-sighted political agenda by spreading misinformation and baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the situation in Yemen and the Red Sea. 

He made the remarks in a letter to the head of the UN Security Council following the recent session of the United Nations Security Council held on 14 February 2024 under the agenda item of the situation in the Middle East (S/2024/9548), where the US proposed baseless claims against Iran about Yemen. 

Iravani wrote: "As reiterated in our letter dated 15 January 2024, Iran remains committed to its adherence to Security Council Resolutions 2140 (2014) and 2216 (2015) and has not engaged in any activities in contravention of these resolutions, including the sale or transfer of arms or weaponry systems."

Moreover, Iran consistently advocates for the peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis through diplomatic channels and underscores its dedication to maritime security and freedom of navigation, he added.

The letter stressed that Iran unequivocally condemns the US and UK's military aggression and unlawful use of force in Yemen, which flagrantly violates Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity, international law, the UN Charter, and relevant Security Council resolutions, posing a serious threat to regional peace and stability. 

The invocation of self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter by the US and the UK to justify their illegal actions is misleading and lacks legitimacy under international law, the Iranian envoy recalled in the letter. 

The US along with the UK has launched attacks, the beginning of which was on January 11, aimed to put pressure on Yemen to stop the maritime blockade it imposed on the Israel regime.

Yemen declared that the operations against the Israeli or Israeli-affiliated ships bounding for the Israeli-occupied territories of Palestine to deliver aid to the Zionist regime will continue until the war on the Gaza Strip is stopped and the blockade on it is lifted. 204

Read more:

US, British coalition resumes attacks on Yemen


US, UK attack Yemen 4th time in one day

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