Iran Press/America: At least four people were killed, in a small city in rural south Georgia, United States, on Thursday (Friday AEDT) after a gunman shot a fast-food worker and two of their relatives, before taking his own life.
Police vehicles sit parked in front of a McDonald's restaurant as police investigate a shooting in which multiple people were killed Thursday, May 4, 2023, in Moultrie, Ga. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Thursday that there is more than one crime scene, including one at the McDonald’s restaurant. (Kamira Smith/The Moultrie Observer via AP)
A man recorded by a security camera fatally shooting his manager Thursday at a fast food restaurant in rural south Georgia is also suspected of killing his mother and grandmother at their nearby homes before taking his own life, authorities said.
Security video from a McDonald’s in Moultrie showed 26-year-old Kentavious White shoot the store manager after getting her to come to the door Thursday morning, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said. The footage then showed White step inside the restaurant and shoot himself.
Every year thousands of people lose their lives or get wounded by gunshot attacks. Based on official statistics there are around 270 to 300 million guns in the US, which is almost one gun for every American. 219
Ashkan Salehian