Tehran (IP) - The President assigned the Minister of Interior to investigate the issue of the poisoning of a number of students in some schools as quickly as possible and to provide documented and continuous information in this regard to alleviate the concerns of the families.

Iran PressIran news: Speaking on Wednesday morning in the meeting of the cabinet, Ebrahim Raisi referred to the concerns created in connection with the poisoning of a number of students in some schools and gave the Minister of the Interior a task to follow up and find the root of the issue as quickly as possible and to provide documented and continuous information about the results of the investigations to alleviate the worries of families.

The President emphasized that the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Information, and other departments should cooperate with the Minister of Interior in this regard, and any notification should be made through the Ministry of Interior.

One of the other instructions of the President in today's meeting of the cabinet was to oblige the Vice-President for Scientific Affairs and the Plan and Budget Organisation to plan for the recruitment and employment of scientific elites.


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Iran Interior ministry to investigate on schools poisoning