The Union of Islamic Student Assembly condemned the International communities' double standards towards the Israeli regime's assassination of Al-Jazeera correspondent Sheerin Abu Akleh in Palestine.

Iran PressEurope: In a statement, the Union of Islamic Student Assembly said the Israeli regime's intentional shooting at Abu Akleh was just followed by the silence of the international communities, media, human rights advocates, and European organizations supporting reports. 

Israeli regime's troops assassinated Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh in an attack on the West Bank on Wednesday.

Shireen Abu Akleh was shot in the head as she was covering the news of the Israeli attack on the Jenin camp on the West Bank.

If such a crime happened in the countries that were critical of the West, it would be considered a war crime and followed by harsh sanctions, but the Europeans showed no serious reaction to it, the statement pointed out. 

From Yemen, Afghanistan, and Palestine to Ukraine's crises, the union recalled, the European governments just were pursuing their interests and preferred them to the people's lives. 

The statement attributed the inefficiency of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the double standards of the West led by the US and its instrumentalization of human rights.


Read more:

UN experts: Killing of Abu Akleh may constitute a war crime

Students commemorate Al-Jazeera's Abu Akleh in Tehran