Tehran (IP)- Iran's deputy minister of roads and urban development elaborated on the agreement between Tehran and Damascus to strengthen Iran's private sector in the reconstruction of Syria.

Iran PressIran News: Referring to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Tehran and Damascus for the reconstruction of Syria, Mahmoud Mahmoudzadeh said: "During the recent visit to Syria, the groundwork was laid for implementing the previous agreement, and agreements were reached on the money transactions and transport."

The Iranian official added: "Iran and Syria exchanged experience in building mass housing for middle-income groups and benefiting from Iran's experience in this field."

Mahmoudzadeh mentioned Iran's cooperation in the reconstruction of Syria, including in civil engineering, infrastructure and housing, and stressed the need to strengthen the presence of the Iranian private sector.

The government has no role and investment in Syria and only provides the necessary legal grounds for the presence of the Iranian private sector in Syria," he noted.


Read more:

Iran, Syria discuss ways to boost economic cooperation

Iran, Syria urge cementing economic ties



Farhad Nayeb