Iran Press/Iran News: The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in a live televised speech, added: Holy Quds is the heart of Palestine, and the entire occupied country of Palestine, from the river to the sea, is a continuation of Quds. Every day, the Palestinian nation shows that it has stood up and will stand up against the oppressor with exemplary courage. The Palestinian youth have acted as a defensive shield for Palestine with their self-sacrificing activities, and they are harbingers of a different future.
US; Main supporter of the Zionist regime, has been defeated in many parts of the world
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted: We are carrying out this year’s Quds Day while everything is signaling a new equation in Palestine’s present and future. Today, an “invincible willpower” in Palestine and throughout West Asia has replaced the “invincible army” of the Zionists. Today, that criminal army has been forced to turn its aggressive formation into a defensive one. In the political arena today, the most important supporter of that usurping regime, the United States of America, has suffered consecutive defeats. It has been defeated in the war in Afghanistan, defeated in its maximum pressure policy against the Islamic Republic of Iran, defeated in the face of Asian powers, defeated in trying to control the economy of the world, and defeated in the internal management of its own country and managing the phenomenon of the deep rift that has come about in the U.S. establishment.
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'The usurping Zionist regime is wallowing in a convoluted network of problems in both political and military arenas. The former butcher and criminal, who was at the top of that regime, was thrown into the dustbin of history following the epic at Saif al-Quds. Every hour his current successors await the sharp blade of another epic', Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei added.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized: Polls show that almost 70% of the Palestinians in the 1948 and 1967 lands and the surrounding camps encouraged the Palestinian leaders to attack the Zionist regime. This is an important phenomenon because it signifies the complete preparedness of the Palestinians to confront the usurping regime, and it provides the mujahid organizations with the freedom to take action whenever they deem necessary.
Palestinians defeat their occupied land in both political and military aspects
The jihadi moves of the people of Palestine in the two northern and southern parts of the 1948 lands, and at the same time, the massive rallies in Jordan and Eastern Quds, the brave defense of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Palestinian youth, and the military maneuvers in Gaza indicate that all of Palestine has turned into an arena of resistance. At the present time, the people of Palestine are unanimous about continuing this struggle on the path of God", the leader pointed out.
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In recent years, these incidents and what has occurred in Palestine have been a seal of annulment on all schemes for compromise with the Zionist enemy. This is because no strategy or plan about Palestine is implementable in the absence of Palestine or against the consent of its owners, the Palestinians. This means that all former agreements such as the Oslo Deal, the Arabian two-state solution, the Deal of the Century, and the recent humiliating attempts to normalize relations have been nullified.
Zionist forces kill Palestinian women, children in front of Europeans and the US eyes
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei also stated: Even though the Zionist regime is out of breath, it continues to commit crimes and kill innocent people with its weapons. It murders unarmed women, children, the elderly, and the youth. It imprisons and tortures them, destroys houses, and demolishes farms and property. The liars in Europe and the US who make extravagant claims about human rights and who created a commotion on the issue of Ukraine keep silent in the face of all these crimes in Palestine. They do not defend the innocent people, but they also help that bloodthirsty wolf.
This is an important lesson. Regarding the issues of the world of Islam–at the top of which stands the issue of Palestine–we cannot and must not rely on these racist, hostile powers. Only with the power that comes from resistance, which originates in the teachings of the Qur’an and which arises from the religious rulings of dear Islam, can one resolve the issues of the world of Islam and the issue of Palestine, which stands at the top of all Islamic issues.
Resistance movement has foiled foreigners' terrorist plots in West Asia
The formation of the Resistance in West Asia has been the most blessed phenomenon in this region in recent decades. The magnificence of the Resistance was able to cleanse the occupied territories of Lebanon of the pollution of the Zionists, pull Iraq out from the clutches of the US, save Iraq from the maliciousness of the DAESH and assist Syrian defenders in the face of the US schemes. The Resistance fights against international terrorism, helps the resistant people of Yemen in the war that has been imposed on them, wrestles with the Zionist usurpers in Palestine, and will bring them to their knees with God’s grace. It also highlights the issue of Quds and Palestine more and more for the people of the world to see daily", The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reassured.
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You people of Palestine, you self-sacrificing youth in the West Bank and the 1948 lands, you who are struggling for God in the Jenin refugee camp and for Quds and Gaza, and you, the residents in the Palestinian camps outside of Palestine, are essential, sensitive parts and pioneers of the Resistance. Greetings are upon you. You must stand firm and know that “Verily Allah will defend those who believe Holy Qur’an and if you are patient, it will certainly be best for those who are patient.
Iran supports the Palestinian cause against Israeli settlements and occupation
The Islamic Republic of Iran advocates and supports the camp of Resistance. It advocates and supports the Palestinian Resistance. We have always said this, we have always acted on this, and we have stood by it. We condemn the risky move to normalize relations [with the Zionist regime]. We denounce the policy of a normalization of relations. Some Arab governments have asked the US to accelerate the matter of solving the Palestinian issue. If they mean that before the US leaves the region, it should remove any obstacle standing in the way of the Zionist regime, they have behaved treacherously and have brought disgrace to the Arab world. Secondly, they have been naïve since this is a case of the blind leading the blind," Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stated.
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At the end of my statements, I send my greetings upon the souls of the Palestinian martyrs. I send my regards to their patient families. I send my greetings to the Palestinians who have been taken captive and prisoner but who resist with a firm determination. I squeeze the hands of our resistant Palestinian groups who have undertaken to carry out an essential part of this great responsibility. And I call on the entire world of Islam, particularly the youth, to participate in this field that brings dignity and honor. And our concluding call will be: “All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.” [Holy Qur’an, 10:10].
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ahmad shirzadian