The spokesperson of the United Nations peacekeeping force on the southern border of Lebanon (UNIFIL), warned of a military response to the Israeli regime in response to the continued deliberate attacks of this regime on these forces.

Iran PressAmerica: So far, several peacekeepers in southern Lebanon have been injured by the attacks of the Israeli regime, which has been widely condemned worldwide.

Andrea Tennetti, the spokesperson of the UN peacekeeping forces on the southern border of Lebanon, warned that UNIFIL has the right to defend itself in case of continued direct and deliberate attacks by the Israeli regime on these forces, and the field commanders have this right of defense.

Andre Tennetti emphasized: "The attacks of the Israeli army against UNIFIL, contrary to the claims of the Israeli authorities who say that it was unintentional, are completely intentional and this is against Security Council Resolution 1701."

At the same time, Tor Wennesland, the special coordinator of the United Nations in West Asia, warned about the deterioration of the situation in Gaza and said: "There is no safe place in this area; Dozens of civilians were killed in Israeli air strikes on Beit Lahia."

Wennesland, condemning the continuation of Israeli attacks on civilians in Gaza and Lebanon, calls for an end to the war; and the Protection of civilians.

James Elder, the spokesperson of the United Nations Children's Fund, also said about the very disastrous situation of children in Gaza: "Gaza has become a graveyard of thousands of innocent children."

Following the attacks of the Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, about 43,000 people have been martyred and more than 99,000 people have been injured.


Israeli Army Breaches UN Peacekeeping Forces’ Base in Southern Lebanon