Iran Press/Iran News: At the same time as then-US Vice President Richard Nixon visited Iran on December 7, 1953, Iranian students demonstrated in front of Tehran University to protest against Washington's interference in Iran's internal affairs.
The US-backed regime of Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, then suppressed the protest violently, killed 3 Iranian students and injured hundreds of others.
Student Day commemorates a moment in the history of the Iranian nation's fight against the US interventionist policies; therefore, the Azar 16 is of paramount importance in the formation of student campaigns and giving identity to them in Iran.
Examining the historical identity, formation process, and role-playing of the student movement in Iran shows that the student society has always defined its mission in the framework of Iran's national interests through correct diagnosis and analysis.
Enjoying an anti-arrogance discourse, as well as religious and revolutionary idealism, are the most prominent features of the Iranian student movement since its formation until today.
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