Coronavirus National Task Force spokesman says:

Tehran (IP) - The spokesman for Iran’s National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus said that the slightest negligence would cause the fifth wave of the coronavirus.

Iran PressIran news: Speaking on the occasion of the National 'No Tobacco Week' presser, Alireza Raeisi said: To participate in the election as much as possible, we need people to feel safe about their health to go to the polls, the safer the environment, the more people are encouraged to participate."

Referring to the advertising space, Raeisi said: "Any gathering indoors is prohibited, and in the open air, for every 8 meters, one person should be on a chair with a mask."

Also, for candidates to speak, only 30% of the space of each complex should be occupied, fully comply with protocols, noted the official. 

Regarding the condition of the election headquarters, Alireza Raisi added: "The headquarters' activities are based on color.  In the yellow city, 30, in the orange 20, and 15 people in red can be present indoors, and any gathering to celebrated is firmly prohibited."

The protocols are communicated to the chief of staff of each candidate during the meetings of the Ministry of Interior, and these people are responsible and accountable if any violations occur, stated the spokesman for National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus.

Raeisi added: " Following US imposed sanctions, S- Korea expelled Samsung and LG from Iran, while its KT&G company produces cigarettes and tobacco in Iran, how is it that we are banned in every aspect except Cigarettes and Tobacco?”

Fortunately, the country’s attorney general has ordered to collect of hookahs, which helped reduce coronavirus infection because hookah smoke causes dryness in throats. On the other hand, using several hookahs by another can transmit the virus to the bottom of the lungs, said the official.

The World Health Organization (WHO) motto is Commit to Quit, which aims to raise public awareness, especially young people, about the harmful effects of smoking.


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ahmad shirzadian