Gombe (IP) - The head of Advocacy for Center Development in Nigeria (ACD) and also a prominent human rights activist, Ibrahim Yusuf believes that Operation Al Aqsa Storm exposed how weak Israel is, and wakes the world up for the Palestinian cause.

Iran PressAfrica: In an exclusive interview with Iran Press in Gombe, Ibrahim Yusuf said: "Well, the impact of Al Aqsa Storm cannot be underestimated because it has changed the narratives globally, and it has also exposed how weak the Israeli regime is."

"Before the Al Aqsa Storm, there was a piece of fake news, that Israel is the most powerful country in the Middle East, so also there was a notion that no matter how tiny small thing passing across their space, they would witness it and they would also know what that tiny thing is carrying, but to some extent, Al Aqsa Storm exposed their weakness and changed the narratives. Looking at how they were attacked last week by the Islamic Republic of Iran, ninety percent if not all, these hypersonic missiles of Iran have reached their targets and made significant destructions in Israel," he added. 

Ibrahim Yusuf added that, as a result of the Al Aqsa Storm, the political space of the Israeli regime has gone down and created unrest in the occupied territory to the extent that people are protesting, calling for the resignation of the criminal, Netanyahu.
"Looking at the social impact of the Al Aqsa Storm, it has also exposed how porous the Israeli regime is because almost all their neighboring countries (Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and the rest) are at war. Looking at now how Turkey and Qatar are ready to support what Hamas is doing.
Even Saudi Arabia and the rest have become neutral in this, while before the Al Aqsa Storm, they used to identify themselves with Israel, but this time around, they disassociated themselves that they're neutral. This is an indication that the popularity of the Zionists has gone down globally," he added.

"Looking at the last UN General Assembly, even though the United Nations is weak and also appears to be a useless organization because it cannot do and undo except what America and its friends want to do, looking at how more than 2/3 of the world leaders left the hall when Netanyahu stood to make his presentation at the UN. They stepped out, they boycotted his presentation. This is an indication that they don't want to listen to his rubbish."

The human rights activist emphasizes that the world countries must start identifying themselves with the oppressed people of Palestine for the sake of humanity. "You must either be with the oppressors or with the Palestinians who are the oppressed. Identifying yourself and your country with the oppressed people of Palestine is an indication that you are strong because America and its allies are controlling the people's minds.
A lot of countries are scared to come out publicly and show their support to the people of Palestine, but this time around, there a significant changes in the narratives whereby a lot of countries, and a lot of organizations are supporting the good people of Palestine."

The head of Advocacy for Center Development in Nigeria stressed: "We in the African countries, we are calling on our governments to identify themselves with Palestine. We are also weak, but coming together will make us a strong nation and a strong society. We are also calling for sanctions against Israel. We want to see Netanyahu at the ICC facing charges of his crimes against humanity, against the people he has killed in Gaza which are over 40,000 in less than a year and most of them are women and children, he destroyed the entire Gaza community," Ibrahim Yusuf concluded.


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