Bosnia and Herzegovina (IP) - On the occasion of the martyrdom of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his colleagues a commemoration ceremony was held in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Iran Press/Europe: The ceremony was hosted by the Iranian Embassy with the participation of the Bosnian political, religious, and cultural figures and other people at Ghazi Khoso Beik Library.

The Iranian Ambassador to Bosnia Absaid at the ceremony that the accident was a tragic one to the advocates of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic and stated that the belief in hereafter eased the pain of the loss.

The President of Bosnia's Islamic Society Hossein Affandi that the Bosnian people's reaction to the sad accident showed again the close relations between the Bosnian and Iranian nations, calling the martyrdom of the Iranian president and his companions a loss to all Muslims.

Still, the Advisor to the Bosnian Foreign Minister Dino Selimovic expressed regret over the loss and referred to Iran's support for the resolution on the commutation of the Srebrenica Massacre in the UN right after the crash accident happened for the Iranian President Raisi.

He said the supports would be etched on the Bosnians' collective memory. Other parts of the ceremony were reciting the Holy Quran, playing clips about the late Raisi's services and the officials and diplomats' paying tribute to him.

Earlier the memorial book of the late Iranian President was signed along with a mourning ceremony.

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi along with Hojjatol-Islam Ale-Hashem Friday Prayers Imam of Tabriz, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malek Rahmati, General Governor of East Azarbaijan, pilot, co-pilot, crew chief, head of the security team and one of the bodyguards and several other companions were on board on way from Tabriz, northwestern Iran, to Tehran when their helicopter crashed on Sunday, May 19, and all were martyred. 204