Tehran (IP)- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman says that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action(JCPOA) or any possible agreement cannot be a basis and guarantee for the activities of US companies in Iran in the future.

Iran PressIran News:  Attending his weekly press briefing and responding to reporters' questions on Monday, Nasser Kanaani, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, in response to the question of the Los Angeles Times reporter asking, "If the JCPOA is signed, will the US companies be able to operate in Iran?" he said: The agreement of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and any other possible agreement does not regulate the bilateral relations between Iran and the United States but rather resolves an artificial and unnecessary crisis.

He also said that this artificial crisis related to Iran's nuclear activities is politically-motivated has remained open. The spokesperson added: I can say that the JCPOA only monitors the alleged nuclear case against Iran, not the bilateral relations between Iran and the United States.

The spokesperson also noted: I can say that the JCPOA only monitors the alleged nuclear case against Iran, not the bilateral relations between Iran and the United States.

Sanction lifted, Iran can meet Europe's energy needs

The spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry regarding Europe's crisis in the face of energy supply and their request to buy energy from Iran, said: "Iran is naturally one of the most critical countries supplying energy and fuel needed by different countries in the world due to its rich oil and gas resources. By relying on its capabilities, Iran maintained its presence in the energy market even under the shadow of the toughest sanctions.



"Although this presence has been limited due to the illegal and oppressive sanctions of the United States, Iran has maintained its presence in the international oil and energy market with its capabilities, and oil transactions with Iran's partners in various countries continue. 

In the shadow of the crisis in Ukraine and Europe's problems with energy supply, if the negotiations are successful and the sanctions against Iran are lifted, the Islamic Republic of Iran can supply a more significant part of Europe's needs, especially for energy resources.

Moreover, Nasser Kanaani stressed that Europe needs the capabilities and Iran's capacities to supply its energy, and we hope that an agreement will be formed, and in this context, Iran will be able to play a more effective role in supplying the energy needed by the countries of the world and Europe. Iran does not face any restrictions in this regard.

This senior diplomat about the collision between the American ships and the Jamaran destroyer stated: "Iran is present in international waters and Iranian commercial ships travel naturally in the transit and traffic routes of international waters. No country has the right to threaten shipping routes on high seas and threaten the safe passage of international shipping. 

The General Staff of the Armed Forces explained that the provocative and unprincipled action of the US Army's surveillance ships was related to the Iranian vessels, and in this regard, Iran removed the threat and subsequently released the ships in the safe zone. It rejects any claim by the American administration about the actions of the Iranian side, and the US administration should try not to threaten international commute routes in international waters.

Zionists' claim of attacking Iranian sites in Syria is false

 Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson also said that all actions of the Zionist regime against Syrian infrastructure are illegal and against international laws, and Zionists' claim of attacking Iranian sites in Syria is false.



In another part of his remarks, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said: "All actions of the Zionist regime against Syrian infrastructure, both military and civilian, are illegal and against international laws. This regime's claim of attacking the places belonging to Iran is false. Iran's presence in Syria is advisory and at the official request of the Syrian government, and these claims are invalid." 

Iran's recent response to the European Union coordinator "constructive"

Nasser Kanaani stated that Iran's current response to the European Union coordinator was constructive, transparent, and legal, and the Islamic Republic is waiting to hear the other side's point of view and response.

"Iran has conveyed its views to the European side and we are waiting to hear the other side's view and response. If there is the necessary political will on the other side and it acts constructively and moves forward like Iran, Iran's response is constructive, transparent, and legal and can provide the ground to conclude the negotiations in a very short time if there is mutual political will," he pointed out.



Iran tried to clarify text and present a stronger text on JCPOA

Nasser Kananni said: "After receiving the response from the American side through the coordinator, we presented our response. Our response in terms of content was made with two main goals, one is that we tried to disambiguate the clauses received through the coordinator, and we tried to clarify the text and present a stronger text.

He added: "This was done with the aim of stabilizing the possible future agreement. This means that in the event of an agreement being formed, we will prevent possible future misinterpretations that can disrupt the process of implementing the agreement. We acted constructively and we were moving forward. We expect the other party to do the same."

He also noted: "The most important issue for us is the issue of guarantees. If the guarantee framework is not strong, ,we may see unfortunate events related to the agreement at any time. We witnessed this incident in the previous stage. Iran unilaterally implemented the agreement, the American administration left and did not act, and the European parties did not fulfill their obligations and could not compensate the losses of the US withdrawal."



"The issue of guarantee has two sides, one of which is the guarantee of the lift of sanctions in such a way that Iran can fully benefit from the economic benefits of the JCPOA. The other issue is the nuclear issue and banning the IAEA from political behavior and games. Political accusations in Iran's relations with the IAEA should not cause disruptions in the implementation process of the agreement. The issue of guarantees is important for Iran both in the field of economic benefit and removal of economic sanctions and in solving problems related to Iran's transparent, legal and constructive cooperation with the Agency."



In response to a question about Iran's cooperation with the IAEA, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: "The peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities was fully emphasized in the summarized text of 2015 and the conclusion of the JCPOA agreement this year, and subsequently based on Iran's constructive cooperation with the IAEA, the Agency's inspectors traveled to Iran many times and inspected the desired places and emphasized Iran's peaceful activities many times. The accusations that were raised later are generally taken from the sick and inconsistent mind of the Israeli regime, which is itself the most important regime with illegal nuclear activities in the region, and basically, it is not a member of the safeguard system either.

Iran looks at Iraq as a whole, not individuals

Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, says: Iran's view of Iraq is general, and Tehran has a close interaction with all the current in Iraq.



In his weekly news conference, in response to a question about the current situation in Iraq and Moqtada Sadr's anti-Iranian statements, he said that Iraq's stability helps economic development in this country, and it also will help Baghdad to play a constructive role in the region.

The spokesman added: Security and stability in Iraq are important to us. Iran uses every opportunity to help the Iraqi brothers to return to stability.

"We have relations with all Iraqi political parties," Kanaani highlighted, adding, "Iran's role in relation to Iraqi groups has helped to create peace in this country. Iran's focus is not on individuals, Iran's focus is on Iraq as a whole, and we have invited all political currents of Iraq to talk. We look at Iraq as a whole, we don't look at a part, a faction, or a group in Iraq.


There is More...

Iran submits its views on summing up Vienna talks to coordinator: Spox

Iran denounces new US sanctions: Foreign Ministry spox


ahmad shirzadian