Iran Press/ America: Western countries, especially the United States, have sent billions of dollars of military equipment to Ukraine since the beginning of the Ukrainian war, and have been accusing Iran of sending drones to Russia for use in the Ukrainian war for a long time by making false claims, which the Islamic Republic of Iran has been strongly rejected.
In this letter, "Amir Saeid Irvani expressed his regret that Ukraine ignored Iran's neutrality position in the current war in that country and continues to make wrong claims based on unproven information."
"Irvani" noted that Ukraine is looking for political goals in linking baseless claims against Iran and Resolution 2231.
The Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations continued to discuss the reasons for the irrelevance of the use of conventional weapons in the Ukraine war with Appendix B of Security Council Resolution 2231.
He added, the restrictions mentioned in paragraph 6 of Appendix B of Security Council Resolution 2231 ended in October 2020, and since then none of Iran's actions to supply, sell or transfer weapons or related materials to other countries have been subject to Resolution 2231.
"Irvani also considered Ukraine's claim regarding paragraph 4 of Annex B of Resolution 2231 as an incorrect and arbitrary interpretation of the resolution and the spirit of this paragraph.
The Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations emphasized that paragraph 4 of Appendix B of Resolution 2231 clearly refers to the limitations of items, materials, equipment, and technology related to the development of nuclear-armed missile systems.
The senior diplomat of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the United Nations continued:" In this regard, Iran has never been a supplier, nor does it intend to supply items, materials, equipment, and technology that help in the development of nuclear weapons; especially in the case of the states that have nuclear weapons, which basically do not need these items of equipment, and technology at all."
In the end, Irvani asked the UN Secretary-General to prevent any abuse of Resolution 2231 in connection with the war in Ukraine.
The ambassador and permanent representative of Iran also requested that this letter be registered and published as a document of the United Nations Security Council.
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