Iran Press/ Organizations: By adopting a draft, the UN General Assembly designated March 15 “International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”
The draft was presented by Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Indonesia.
The resolution condemns any hate speech and violence against Muslims and calls for strengthening international efforts to promote tolerance, tolerance, and peace.
It also calls on the United Nations and other international organizations to effectively raise awareness and commemorate the day in the fight against Islamophobia.
The resolution was adopted two years to the day since a right-wing extremist murdered over 50 Muslims in a New Zealand terror attack on two mosques.
At that time, OIC members, including Iran, “stressed the necessity to combat hate and fear of Islam and Muslims.”
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On Wednesday by adopting a draft, the UN General Assembly designated March 15 “International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”
Iran has issued a statement supporting the resolution.
The text of this statement is as follows;
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Mr. President,
The growing trend of intolerance and prejudice against Islam and Muslims worldwide poses a daunting challenge. Over the last few decades, harmful stereotypes and prejudices regarding Muslims and Islam have been chronically reinforced by mainstream media, senior politicians, influencers of popular culture, and within academic discourse. Simultaneously, numerous discriminatory practices have been implemented in various parts of the world, including restricting Muslims from living according to their belief system, securitization of religious communities, restricting access to citizenship, socioeconomic exclusion, and pervasive stigmatization of Muslim communities.
We, as responsible members of the United Nations, bear a heavy burden in fighting discrimination, racism, and xenophobia. We need to strongly condemn hate speech and acts of hate against Muslims while taking the necessary measures to prevent this violation of the basic human rights of Muslims. It is critical for the United Nations to unite against attempts at embracing Islamophobia, including through such measures as the Muslim travel ban, banning Muslim symbols, and the abhorrent use of such ignorant terms as “Islamic terrorism”. It is our firm conviction that terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group
The Islamic Republic of Iran affirms its full support for OIC initiatives to combat Islamophobia, in particular, the designation of the 15th of March as an International Day to Combat Islamophobia by the UN General Assembly. Through the observance of this day, we can build a better global understanding of Islam and Islamic precepts and convey, through the General Assembly, a message of international solidarity and cooperation.
In this regard, we welcome the adoption by consensus of the draft resolution today by General Assembly. This resolution demonstrates our determination to effectively and constructively address Islamophobia as one of the main challenges faced by the international community. We urge all Member States to shoulder their responsibilities and live up to their legal obligations in order to advance the shared values of peaceful co-existence, tolerance, and mutual understanding. Let us keep striving for justice, dignity, and inclusion. For our Muslim brothers and sisters — and for all humanity.
Marzieh Zaeri