Tehran (IP) – In a statement, Iranian parliamentarians stated that Iran's definite policy had been to oblige the contracting parties to lift the sanctions completely, or to assume that the sanctions remain in place; Tehran plans to neutralize the sanctions, promote economic progress and improve the welfare and livelihood of the Iranian people.

Iran PressIran News: Members of Iran Parliament issued a statement on the ongoing negotiations of the Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

According to the statement, the oppressive sanctions imposed on the nation of Islamic Iran by the Obama and Trump administrations must be lifted immediately and in unison, and it would be announced after Iran's verification so that the United States could return to the JCPOA.

Iran Parliament would not fail for a moment to implement the "Law on Strategic Action to Lift Sanctions and Protect the Interests of the Iranian Nation," the statement read.

In the statement, the parliament also welcomed the development of strategic relations with all countries of the world, including China based on mutual respect.


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