Tehran (IP) - The Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran called the Assembly of Experts the epitome of Islamic democracy and invited the awakened consciences of the whole world, while paying attention to the bitter realities of anti-religious systems, to reflect on the comprehensive, attractive and surprising facilitator plans of Islamic governance.

Iran PressIran news: In a message, on the occasion of the beginning of the sixth term of the Assembly of Experts, the Supreme Leader invited the entire world to ponder the comprehensive, steadfast, problem-solving, attractive, and amazing system of Islamic governance.

In this message, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called the Assembly of Experts the epitome of Islamic democracy and invited the awakened consciences of the whole to think about and pay attention to the comprehensive and problem-solving plans of Islamic governance.

In this message, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei also paid tribute to the memory of the late President Ebrahim Raisi and the Friday Prayer Imam of Tabriz City Mohammad-Ali Al-e Hashem, who were also assembly members.

Elsewhere in his message, the Leader pointed to the onslaught in the Gaza Strip, noting that the brutal massacre of the Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West’s support for the Zionist regime reveals the real meaning of Western human rights and freedom in the eyes of the awakened consciences. 

Mowahedi Kermani, elected as head of the Assembly of Experts

Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani has been elected as the head of the Council of Leadership Experts.

Movahedi Kermani will be the head of this assembly for 2 years. 

The Assembly of Experts, also translated as the Assembly of Experts of the Leadership or as the Council of Experts, is the deliberative body empowered to appoint the Supreme Leader of Iran. All directly elected members must first be vetted by the Guardian Council.