Sarajevo (IP) - The Bosnian author and thinker says, thanks to the leadership of the Late Imam Khomeini hope returned to Islam in the world, particularly among Muslims.

Iran PressEurope: Elaborating on Imam Khomeini's character, Jamaleddin Latic said Iran's Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini gave a fresh soul to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the spirit of the fight for freedom. 

Latic highlighted the importance of the Palestinian issue in Imam Khomeini's thought and his note that Palestine is the first issue of the Islamic world; He said: "The spirit of these words of Imam Khomeini encompassed the entire Islamic world from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Indonesia."

It is a historic note about Palestine in Imam Khomeini's words: "Palestine is the first issue of the Islamic world; Palestine belongs to Palestinians from sea to river, not even more nor less than a palm." 


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Late Imam Khomeini( RA); true supporter of Palestine

Ali Akbar khandan