Russia, on May 16, accused the United States of purposefully "obscuring" its military-biological activities in Ukraine.

Iran PressEurope: Russia, on May 16, accused the United States of purposefully obscuring its military-biological activities in Ukraine. The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has claimed that the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency played a key role in funding and conducting military biological research in Ukraine.

According to Ryabkov, the revealed facts of the implementation of military biological activities in Ukraine indicate that the functioning of biological laboratories on Ukrainian territory, including the division of the central sanitary and epidemiological department of the Ukrainian military department, was aimed at enhancing the pathogenic properties of plague, anthrax, cholera, and other deadly diseases, including the use of synthetic biologists. 

Meanwhile, Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said on Friday at a UNSC meeting that Russia called to discuss US biolaboratories in Ukraine that Russia intends to submit materials to the UN Security Council for conducting an investigation into military biological activities in Ukraine as part of international agreements.

"We have already built up a significant amount of material directly pointing to a violation by the US of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, he said, adding: "We continue to collect and analyze these materials."

"Given that the US refuses any constructive discussion on this topic, we plan to use the mechanisms provided for in Articles 5 and 6 of the BTWC (they provide for the possibility of submitting evidence to the UNSC to initiate an investigation - TASS)," the envoy said.


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Zohre Khazaee