Iran Press/ Iran news: For the West, Iran's access to the technology to build an advanced torpedo was terrible news.
According to former Chief-Commander of Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, the Hoot torpedo was the fastest in the world then, and even now, it is still the most rapid.
Its combat capability is similar to the advanced VA-111 Shkval torpedo made in Russia, and only two countries, Iran and Russia, have the necessary technology to build such a weapon.
Before the unveiling of the Hoot torpedo, supercavitating torpedo technology was only available to Russia, but the IRGC Navy showed that it had acquired the technology.
Many of the world's media outlets have tried to portray Hoot as a reverse-engineered example of the Russian short-range VA-111 Shkval torpedo. At the same time, the two torpedoes are similar only in terms of supercavitation technology.

Despite its small size but very high speed and good explosive power, the Hoot torpedo is known as one of the best ones in the world; a torpedo that not only the United States but also countries with new military technologies have not yet been able to acquire.
Due to its high power and speed, there is no possibility to confront or escape from the Hoot torpedo; it can hit the target from a distance of 1000 meters in 10 seconds.
Hoot is a rocket-propelled torpedo with supercavitation capability; supercavitation increases its speed up to four times faster than conventional torpedoes.
Hoot's maximum speed has been announced as 360 kilometers per hour. Released information from the torpedo shows that it can also be fired by submarines at a depth of 100 meters.

Its warhead weighs 210 kg, and its propulsion system uses solid fuel.
Hoot torpedo can also be fired from speedboats and submarines and can destroy surface and subsurface targets within a radius of 15 km.
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