Islamabad (IP)- Likewise many other countries, Unity Week is being observed in Pakistan with devotion and harmony. In this regard, a conference was organized in the capital city with the title of “Love of Prophet (PBUH), the Center for Muslim Unity”.

Iran PressAsia: With the participation of a number of scholars from all schools of thought attended the conference while youth and students showed special interest in the event. 

Addressing the audience, the Deputy Head of Jammat e Islami Pakistan "Liaqat Baloch" said that Muslims together are facing the powers involved in dividing the Islamic Ummah, stressing that keeping Muslim unity is just like a kind of Jihad today. 

He said that first of all the religious leadership and all the schools of thought should come forward in the name of unity. 

In an interview with Iran Press, the host of the conference and the Chairman of "Majlis Wahdat ul-Muslimeen" (the assembly of Muslims' unity), Raja Nasir Abbas said: “The strategy of unity is an approach to counter the dominance of the enemy, which was announced by Imam Khomeini who called for celebrating the week of unity. He announced Shia and Sunni worship and unity practice. So this is the continuation of the inspired declaration of Imam Khomeini. Like the whole world, in the land of Pakistan, every year, the week of unity is celebrated, and then the whole year is worked on, Shias and Sunnis come together and try their best to defeat the enemy and this is happening as well”. 

Presenting speeches, Molana Abdul Khubair Aazad, Mufti Gulzar Ahmed Naeemi, Pir Khalid Sultan Qaderi, Allama Iqbal Hussain Baheshiti, and others said that all the Islamic world including Pakistan in need of unity: "We all are Hussaini and we all have to counter the agenda of anti-Islam powers."

They said that by any means the recognition of Israel is impossible and never be accepted.

Talking to Iran Press, Molana Fida Ahmed Shah of Jamiat Ulema al-Islam said: “ No doubt these are the warning days for Muslims, if Muslims can recognize their religion, their Qibla, their Prophet (PBUH) and their Imam, of course they will be successful, else they will go back where they came from. So in this regard, the annually observed Unity Week is the best effort and step and we support it”. 

The speakers said that even today the Muslims are being killed in the name of religion, the rallies for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are being attacked and only the unity of Shia and Sunni can counter these brutal conspiracies. 

Talking to Iran Press, Molana Abdul Khubair Azad said: "Before the Holy Prophet (PBUH) the situation of society was worse, there was no respect for father and mother, there was no one to adopt orphans, daughters were buried alive but when the kindest personality appeared in the world he showed a path to people and the path was the Ehdnisirat El Mustaqeem (straight path). So today we have to go forward by following the teaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about unity".

The Unity Conference ended with slogans of unity and Labaik Ya Hussain (AS) (O'! Imam Hussain we are ready), the participants from all schools of thought greeted each other for the Unity Week and committed to keep the mission of unity continue, started by Imam Khomeini (RA).


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