Iran's leader:  Palestinian have the right to determine their own destiny

International Quds Day causes the awakening of Islamic world, and condemnation of criminal regimes.

Iran Presscommentary: The last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan coincides with International Quds Day.

Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Thursday night in a message on the occasion of International Quds Day, emphasizing the principle of 'Quds is the capital of Palestine', said: "Holding a ceremony in support of the oppressed Palestinian nation on the last Friday of each Ramadan is a symbol of the perseverance, unity and empathy of Muslims in defending Islamic ideals."

This day is important from several points of view: 

First view; emphasis on the human side is the issue of Palestine, which is manifested on international Al-Quds Day as a symbolic gesture of condemnation of Israel's crimes against an occupied and displaced nation.

The second view; the need for the continued protection of the rights of the Palestinian people in terms of international law and the denial of any occupying force.

The third view on the importance of International Quds Day; is the emphasis is on the right of fate to be determined by the Palestinian people and the original owners of the land.

Each of these issues highlights the significance of the fate of Palestine as the most important issue in the Islamic world; therefore, no political current should neglect this issue.

The experience of more than 7 decades of historical oppression shows that the occupiers of al- Quds never agree to pay the rights of the oppressed.

The only way to end this situation is to continue the resistance and the global struggle to force the occupiers to surrender to international law and to follow the fate of the Palestinian people.

Read More:

Leader to give speech on International Quds Day occasion

Iran's leader:  Palestinian have the right to determine their own destiny

Ayatollah  Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, has come up with a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian problem.

His eminence expressed this solution in this way: "The Palestinian people, like any other nation, have the right to determine their own destiny and to choose the system that governs their country. All the main people of Palestine including Muslims, Christians and Jews - not foreign immigrants - wherever they are; Inside Palestine, in the camps and elsewhere, must take part in a general and disciplined referendum and determine the future system of Palestine."

"Once established, the resulting system and government will determine the status of non-Palestinian immigrants who have moved to the country in recent years." Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

Iran Leader Ayatollah Khamenei says: "It is a just and rational plan that the world public opinion understands well and can enjoy the support of independent nations and governments."

There is no doubt that the occupier and expansionist policies of the invading Zionist regime, through the use of physical and structural violence, have led to widespread and systematic violations of the rights of the Palestinian people.

This process, with its long-term, separatist goals and divisions, and influence in the Islamic world, is a threat to regional and international peace and security; therefore; international Al-Quds Day is not only a condemnation of this occupation but also a sign of the awakening of the Islamic Ummah against conspiracies such as the so-called 'Deal of Century' which the United States and Israel and their allies in the region are pursuing.


Read More:

Al-Quds liberation needs global togetherness

World to express outrage at 'Deal of Century' on Intl. Quds Day

Quds Day, demonstration of Muslim Ummah's unity and solidarity: MoD


Ashkan Salehian