During the 22 Bahman rally, a portion of Iran's ballistic missiles and satellite launchers was showcased, highlighting the country's military and space capabilities in celebration of the 46th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran.

Why it matters:

The display of these missiles demonstrates Iran's missile capabilities for defending its borders and is one of the achievements of the Islamic Revolution. These capabilities enable Iran to effectively respond to external threats.


The big picture:

Iran's missile capabilities are the result of the self-reliance of Iranian scientists in developing defensive and space areas. These advancements reflect the country's determination and ability to ensure its security without dependence on other nations.


Key points:

  • Khorramshahr ballistic missile has a range of 2,000 kilometers and can carry a 1,800-kilogram warhead, with the ability to carry multiple warheads.
  • Haj Qasem missile, with a range of 1,400 kilometers, is a new generation of the Fateh-110 precision-guided missiles and is capable of bypassing missile defense systems.
  • Omid satellite launcher was also present as part of the country's space capabilities showcased at the event.


Go deeper:

This missile display not only boosts national morale but also highlights Iran's technological advancements and defense capabilities on a regional and global scale. Given recent developments in global policies, these capabilities allow Iran to play a significant role in regional dynamics and ensure its national security.



Hamed Shahbazi