Iran Press/ Europe: For more than seven decades the Israeli regime, supported by the US and UK, has occupied Palestine and since then has been gradually killing the Palestinian people, detaining and torturing them, besieging them, destroying their homes either by bulldozers or bombs, and firing their farms to oust the people from their homelands.
And now, with the Israeli regime's killing of the country culminating in an all-out genocide, since October 7, 2023, shocking the people of the world, from the US to Europe, the international bodies get up and open their eyes; the UN said in words conflict was not good, the International Criminal Court was forced to try the Israeli regime and issued the warrant to arrest the Israeli PM Netanyahu and his war minister Gallant, a verdict which is almost unenforceable, and Amnesty International that after the Israeli regime's large-scale massacre of people in Gaza announced that Israel committed genocide.
“Amnesty International’s report demonstrates that Israel has carried out acts prohibited under the Genocide Convention, with the specific intent to destroy Palestinians in Gaza. These acts include killings, causing serious bodily or mental harm and deliberately inflicting on Palestinians in Gaza conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction. Month after month, Israel has treated Palestinians in Gaza as a subhuman group unworthy of human rights and dignity, demonstrating its intent to physically destroy them,” said Agnes Callamard, secretary general of Amnesty International.
Still, the bitter irony of the story is this comment by Callamard: “Our damning findings must serve as a wake-up call to the international community: this is genocide. It must stop now."
"Damning findings," Amnesty has reached the conclusion after more than 75 years of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
“Israel has repeatedly argued that its actions in Gaza are lawful and can be justified by its military goal to eradicate Hamas. But genocidal intent can co-exist alongside military goals and does not need to be Israel’s sole intent,” Agnes added.
It seems that Agness Callamard considers the Israeli regime's justification of its genocidal war as an "argument" to eradicate a resistant group such as Hamas, but she evades telling us that Hamas is a resistance group that came out of the heart of the Palestinian nation to liberate their country from the occupation of those Zionists that invaded Palestine to seize it and oust its people.
Like the time the British colonizers poured into the North American lands and killed thousands of the natives, separated the children from their parents, and seized their homeland to establish Canada, the so-called land of justice; yet, the very international bodies and the Western advocates of human rights does not bring the criminal background on themselves.
The Israeli regime has carried out aggressions against t the Islamic Republic of Iran three times since October 7, 2023, violating the Iranian territorial integrity and assassinating the leader of Palestine's Hamas while he was in Tehran.
Since that date, the regime has been pounding south of the Lebanese territories, even after a ceasefire it accepted, killing over 4,000 civilians in Lebanon.
And today, the Israeli regime along with its parent the US is equipping Takfiri terrorist groups including Jabhat al-Nusra to topple the Syrian government; the terrorists that the US former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted:
“Let's remember here... the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago... and we did it because we were locked in a struggle with the Soviet Union …"
Al-Qaeda, Daesh, ISIS, Takfiri, or any other offspring the US gave birth to was and is an existential threat to even Europe; therefore, such West-based international bodies must be asked whether they want to at least protect themselves or not against the monster they have created.
Kazemi Avanji
seyed mohammad kazemi