Amir-Abdullahian: Defending Al-Aqsa Mosque; imperative for all Muslims

Tehran (IP) - The Secretary-General of the Palestine Intifada Conference stressed the need for all Muslims to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Iran PressIran News: "Hossein Amir-Abdullahian," the secretary-general of the Palestine Intifada Conference said: "The uprising of all Muslims in the world to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque as the first qibla of Muslims is a basic necessity."

Amir-Abdullahian added: "These days, the world is witnessing a new intifada move of men, women, and youth of Quds against the crimes of the Zionists and the defense of religious sanctities and human values."

According to Amir-Abdullahian: "The resumption of the Resistance’s missile response to the arrogance and crimes of the Zionists shows the strength of the Resistance and the change of equation in favor of the Palestinian people."

The Secretary-General of the Palestine Intifada Conference also said: "Undoubtedly, the continuation and development of the Ramadan Intifada throughout the Palestinian territories is an undeniable fact."

Amir-Abdullahian added: "The Islamic Republic of Iran, while declaring its support and solidarity with the resilient Palestinian people, strongly condemns the violence of the Zionist military and the occupying settlers against the oppressed Palestinian people."

The Secretary-General of the Palestine Intifada Conference noted: "The epic of these days in Al-Quds promises great good news for the widespread uprising of the Palestinian people and resistance against the Occupying Zionists and the liberation of Al-Quds as well as  Al-Aqsa Mosque and the historic land of Palestine."


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Thousands of Palestinians pray in Al-Aqsa on the 1st Friday of Ramadan

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