Iran Press/ West Asia: The group in their statements on Telegram said that its fighters engaged with an Israeli infantry force of 12 soldiers and “killed 4 Zionist soldiers near the Eastern Cemetery east of Jabalia in northern Gaza.”
It added that fighters were able to “target a special Zionist force holed up in a residential building with a TBG anti-fortification shell, causing heavy casualties.”
Al-Qassam Brigades also targeted invading occupation forces east of Jabalia in northern Gaza with mortar shells, according to statements.
The Israeli regime's forces have been waging a destructive war against Gaza since Oct. 7 that has resulted in 24,620 deaths, 61,830 injuries and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe as of Thursday.
The conflict has led to the displacement of more than 85%, 1.9 million residents -- of the Gaza population, according to Palestinian authorities and the UN. 219
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Mashal: Palestine seeks independence, liberation form occupying regime