Tehran (IP) - Iran's Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Bagheri Kani, has strongly criticized certain Western governments for creating an unfair environment for Iranian voters and failing to uphold their right to participate in the presidential election.

Iran PressIran news: Bagheri Kani's remarks come as Iran holds the second round of its 14th presidential election today, with Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili as the candidates.

The acting foreign minister singled out Canada, stating that the self-proclaimed democratic country did not allow elections to be held on its soil. He further alleged that last Friday, in some European and Western nations that tout themselves as bastions of democracy, Iranians faced various forms of violence and obstacles while attempting to cast their ballots, with the governments failing to protect their voting rights.

"The government of Canada, which claims to be a democratic country, did not allow elections to be held in this country," Bagheri Kani said, adding that in certain European and Western countries, Iranians encountered violence from those opposed to the Islamic Republic while trying to participate in the elections.

Iran's acting foreign minister accused these governments of failing to fulfill their responsibility to safeguard the Iranian people's right to vote, despite their professed commitment to democratic principles.


Read more:

Iranian Pres. Election; Acting FM Says Voter Turnout Higher than 1st Round