Iran's top official called resistance as the best tool to fight against Iran's enemies who want to use psychological warfare to disappoint and dash the hopes of the youth and the younger generation .

Iran Press/Iran news: Iran's Head of Coordination Council of Islamic Publicity, Hojjat-ol-Islam Seyyed Mohsen Mahmoudi said in an exclusive interview with Iran Press on Wednesday said the active presence of Iranian nation in the political arena is considered as the great capacity.

"The Iranian people are the one who are standing by the Islamic revolution and they are loyal to it despite all the economic pressures they are tolerating", added Iran's top cleric, while referring to the recent remarks by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei  on June 4, who thanked and praised the million-strong presence of the Iranian people and Muslims throughout the world on the occasion of International Quds Day, saying the demonstrations and rallies showed the world the massive support for the Palestinian cause and the worldwide condemnation of Zionist crimes and atrocities.

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Finally, Mahmoudi stressed that "Iranian's active presence in the political stage to gather with resistance and standing against the enemies as well as taking the martyrs as the true role models of the nation, are the best tools. The enemies who are trying to weaken the morale of the Iranian nation through waging psychological warfare.   213/211/203


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