Ankara (IP) - Yalda celebration is considered the common heritage of Persian speakers. A ceremony was held in the Keçiören district of Ankara with the presence of Turkish citizens, local officials, and diplomats from Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

Iran PressAsia: Yalda' is a winter solstice celebration, it is the last night of autumn and the longest night of the year. Iranians and Farsi speakers all around the world, celebrate the last night of autumn as the rebirth of the sun and the victory of light over darkness.

Poetry reading and traditional music were important parts of the ceremony, and Afghan and Tajik citizens in traditional clothes attended the ceremony.

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkey, Mohammad Hassan Habibullahzadeh, expressed hope that the oppression of the Zionist regime against the Palestinians will end soon.

Turgut Altınok, the mayor of the Keçiören district, expressed his happiness in hosting Iranian, Tajik, and Afghan citizens and expressed hope that with the unity and brotherhood of Muslims, the genocide of the people of Gaza will end as soon as possible.

Persian language is expanding in Turkey and some Turkish universities, students are engaged in teaching it.

Yalda ceremony at Iran's Embassy in Tajikistan

Hossein Vaez