
Commentary(IP)- Unfortunately, some actors, who have a long history of gross human rights violations, have made human rights a tool to advance their ambitions and political goals.

Iran PressCommentary: Now we are living in an era and a world where autocratic and terrorist regimes have been occupying another country for almost two decades under pretenses. Arrogant and reactionary regimes invade other countries and kill their people, and they don't even refrain from dropping bombs on their weddings and funerals. The violators of human rights commit the most heinous crimes and continue to kill, displace and humiliate the people of that country and destroy their infrastructure.

But what is the solution and how to define the border between the facts of human rights violations and the deceptive policies of the aggressor powers and regimes. The problem is that the political attitudes of the West have heavily influenced the issue of human rights, and the continuation of this trend has caused the human rights institutions to move away from the real protection of human rights.

Components such as profit-oriented political viewpoints have undermined the nature and performance of Western human rights organizations and institutions created to defend human rights.

If the series of terrorist incidents and war crimes in Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq in recent years, had happened against the American people or in one of the European countries, dozens of resolutions and statements were issued and imposed against them.

The presence of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan for two decades has not only brought financial costs to the invaders, but attacks from all sides have also targeted the people of this war-torn country. Terrorist groups, on the one hand, and repeated miscalculations of the Westerners, on the other hand, have led to insecurity and the killing of innocent people in Afghanistan.

The US has played the most significant role in human genocide and war crimes. What American statesmen call the defense of human rights is nothing but a crime. Some of these crimes include attacking countries including Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq and killing people, economic terrorism, and maximum sanctions against many countries, including Iran.

The US has supported terrorists and promoted terrorism, and sent them to other countries, the results of which can be seen and judged in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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American forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001 under the pretext of fighting terrorism and Al-Qaeda forces. During nearly two decades of occupation and military intervention, hundreds of thousands of Afghan citizens were killed by NATO-affiliated forces and in attacks by American forces.

By occupying Afghanistan, America caused war, insecurity, terrorism, and drug spread in this country and region. The disastrous situation of the people of Afghanistan and the women of Gaza is an undeniable example of the double standards vis-a-vis human rights in the West.

The killing of 145 civilians in Farah Province on May 4, 2009, the killing of more than 52 innocent women and children in Nangarhar on July 23, 2010, the killing of 42 civilians in the October 3, 2015 air attack on Kunduz Hospital, are examples of US attacks on Afghan civilians.

The situation in Afghanistan clearly shows the natural face of not only America but also those who attacked this war-torn country two decades ago under the pretext of fighting terrorism and protecting human rights.

During the two decades of occupation of this country, the people of Afghanistan have always been victims of miscalculations of the American and NATO forces. The crimes that were previously associated with secrecy, and now with the world's focus on the developments in Afghanistan, their dimensions have been exposed.

The western world has closed its eyes to these apparent crimes and has become the biggest violator of human rights, but it issues statements to other countries to achieve biased goals.

Human rights, like many other issues and goals of the international community under the influence of the double standards of the West, has lost its true meaning. Some European countries that present themselves as cradles of freedom and civilization and defenders of human rights, along with the US and Canada, have taken a discriminatory approach in this field.

 Many cases of human rights double standards show that these states that falsely pretend to support human rights are not qualified to raise the issues of human rights claimants because they are accomplices in crimes against humanity.


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ahmad shirzadian