Lebanon (IP) – Noting the situation in Ukraine, the Secretary-general of Lebanon's Hezbollah says trusting the Americans is stupidity.

Iran Press/Middle East: Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech during the celebration of Hezbollah's Injured Soldiers' Day on Tuesday.

He stated that today's ongoing events between Ukraine and Russia are highly important.

Nasrallah said: "The Americans stated that they were on the lookout for any war crimes against human rights committed by Russia. What about the war crimes against civilians in Yemen? Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The Americans would bomb weddings in Afghanistan, turning them into funerals."

"What about the atrocities committed by Israel? Why didn't we hear any condemnation about the terrorist attack in Pakistan on Friday, where tens of martyrs fell including the Imam of the Masjid? Because the terrorists who commit those crimes are American-made," he noted.

Secretary-general of Lebanon's Hezbollah pointed out that trusting the Americans is stupidity, noting that the Afghan president, who is now on the run, and who was 100% under the command of the Americans, said, "My biggest mistake is that I trusted the Americans and their allies."

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He went on to say: "A number of European countries did not want matters in Ukraine to escalate to this extent, but the Americans and the British were the ones who led Ukraine into war, only to later abandon them. The Ukrainian president mentioned that clearly."

"The Americans are not ready to fight for Ukraine. They refused to grant weapons to Ukraine against Russia, because they are not ready to fight Russia at the moment. If one could read the minds of Ukrainian officials, we would see the level of disappointment they are in," Nasrallah added.

"Those events also exposed the moral corruption of the West. Their treatment towards the refugees, treating people of color or of different religions differently...those are the people who lecture us on being civilized? I tell the Lebanese officials that succumbing to all American commands will not help Lebanon in any way, for there is no limit for American orders. In fact, succumbing to those orders will only harm Lebanon," the Secretary-general of Lebanon's Hezbollah highlighted.

"Many states abstained from voting to condemn Russia in the General Assembly. Why did Lebanon have to vote in favor? You could have refrained. What would the Americans do if you abstained?

The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs official statement was sent to the American embassy for revision. The embassy returned the statement asking for a harsher tone. The American embassy wrote the statement!" he referred.

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"What happened to those calling for neutrality and minding our own business? Their silence was deafening before those statements. We don't call for neutrality; our stances are clear. Those calls for neutrality are nothing but an attempt to escape responsibility in supporting Yemen, Syria, and Palestine, all for the sake of the Americans," Nasrallah said.

He went on to say that if Hezbollah were controlling the Lebanese state, would those statements have been issued? Everything happening exposes those lies; this is not to talk about the nonsense claiming "Iranian occupation," which is not even worth mentioning.

"Can those people show us what the Americans have offered them? The Americans have not even presented any documentation of the gas from Egypt through Jordan.

The Russians had offered Lebanon a project to build an oil refinery that would allow Lebanon to become an exporter of petroleum and its byproducts for $1.2B or $2B. The refinery would become Lebanon's property after 20 years, and we were to be sold oil in LBP," Nasrallah said.

"A year and a half later, the Lebanese authorities have not given the Russians an answer after negotiations. Why? Awkar (the American embassy). I am being honest. It is that simple. Awkar," he added.

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"America prevents Lebanon from finding its own solutions, and yet does not offer any other alternative. If Hezbollah was the one controlling state, we would have accepted the Russian offer a year and a half ago," the Secretary-general of Lebanon's Hezbollah underlined.

He said: "I call upon the Lebanese government on this day, the day of our wounded soldiers, to be on the same level of sacrifice as those heroes, and fulfill its responsibilities by accepting this offer to avoid the return of gas station queues. This mentality will not solve any of our issues concerning gasoline and electricity. We cannot keep waiting for the Americans."

"The monopolizers should be arrested, thrown in prisons, and have their properties seized and sold or distributed fairly and according to religious standards of course. We are not asking you to declare war on America or call it the Greatest Satan as we do, but at least do not submit to them and do not be their slaves. Take the decisions that serve the benefit of your country and your people. We demand the Lebanese state to have a minimum level of freedom, independence, patriotism, and to think about the country's interest," Nasrallah concluded.


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