Iran Press/ America: Speaking at the UN Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL/C4) on Wednesday Majid Takht-Ravanchi said: "The Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the founding members of the Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space since its inception in 1958, continues to reaffirm the universally agreed principle that outer space is a common heritage and province for all mankind."
It must be explored and utilized exclusively for peaceful purposes as well as for the benefit of present and future generations of all peoples."
Elsewhere he underlined: "The Islamic Republic of Iran attaches great importance to the role of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). We believe that all member states of the UN should commit themselves to cooperate with the UNSCEAR in the fulfillment of its responsibilities. Likewise, the UNSCEAR should be able to benefit from the contributions and knowledge of all countries in all possible ways, including through participation in the work of the Committee."
Referring to the fact that the Palestinian question has been the most challenging international concern for nearly seven decades, Takht-Ravanchi further stated: "In addition to the deprivation of their most inalienable rights, the unlawful, inhumane and expansionist Israeli policies and measures -pursued in violation of international law- have also led to the deterioration of living conditions for the Palestinian people."
Iran' s top diplomat stressed: "I would like to reiterate my government’s unwavering and full support for the Palestinian people in their legitimate resistance against the occupation and for their just quest in exercising their inalienable rights to self-determination as well as the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital."
Referring to the fact that Iran considers the Golan as an integral part of Syria, he highlighted: "Iran reaffirms that all discriminatory and illegal policies towards the Syrian population, the presence of Israel’s army bases in and around Syrian civilian areas as well as the construction and expansion of settlements there constitute a flagrant violation of international law, the UN Charter, relevant UN resolutions and the Fourth Geneva Convention."
"I would like to, once again, reiterate our strong commitment and support to the UN peacekeeping operations as the flagship activity of the United Nations. In this regard, my government stands ready to increase its contribution to the peacekeeping operations logistically and militarily by deploying troops, military observers, police and civilians," he concluded.
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Maryam Abolbagha