Tehran (IP): The member of the high council of the Human Rights Youth Organization and the former ambassador of Iran to the Republic of Azerbaijan said that the more the anti-human crimes and violations of human rights of the United States and its supporters are exposed, the decline of the United States will accelerate.

Iran PressIran news: Mohsen Pakayin, a member of the high council of the Human Rights Youth Organization and the former ambassador of Iran to the Republic of Azerbaijan said while speaking at the 8th International Conference on American Human Rights from the perspective of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution held with political and religious figures: "The more the anti-human crimes and violations of human rights of the United States and its supporters are exposed, the decline of the United States will accelerate."

He further added: The disclosure of American human rights is directly related to the introduction of Islamic human rights. By claiming to be the representative of human rights, the West is destroying humanity itself; These are derived from the thinking of Western liberalism and this issue should be exposed.

Pakayin concluded: America attacked Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting terrorism, but the situation of Afghans became worse and America brought many calamities to the people of this country; The Westerners told Libya that it must disarm in order to lift the sanctions, and after the disarmament, the Western countries attacked this country; In another example, ISIS was formed and supported by America; These are all examples of American human rights.