Iran Press/ Iran News: When it comes to hospitality, generosity and kindness, the people of Iran rank at the top of the list. Iranian people's hospitality is world-famous. To Iranians, hospitality has a much deeper meaning. They like to share part of their existence with their guest.
Iranian deeply respect their guests
Iranian hospitality; a great cultural treasure
There is an attraction in Iran that is not listed on the UNESCO world heritage sites or the national treasury list, or on any map or guiding books and applications; it is only in the heart of its people and will be devoted to the guests with kind eye contacts, genuine smiles, small friendly talks, and invitation for tea or dinner. And no matter what city or region in the country is chosen for the visit; since there are so many different ethnicities in Iran, you will be received with open arms. undefined Iranian hospitality is one of the reasons that Iran is the most rewarding destination on Earth.
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Persian hospitality is deeply rooted in history
It must be said that every Iranian has this famous ‘Persian hospitality’ running in their veins no matter where they live. Persian hospitality is so renowned that put Iran on the top destinations of 2017 (Bloomberg website) list next to other stunning destinations such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Peru, Madagascar, and more.
Iranian people treat their guests with finely brewed tea
Cultural, Historical background
This Iranian hospitality culture roots in an old belief that “guests are God’s friends“. This important position has resulted in the warm interaction of the hosts with the guests. There’s no difference in who that guest is. The hosts kindly embrace every newcomer to their city. No matter if they are foreigners or Iranians from another town. The hosts would like relaxed and happy moments for their guests. This is a must either in a luxury hotel in the heart of a big city or a cozy little home in a remote village.
Tourists enjoying Persian hospitality, cuisine
Iranian families hold many gatherings and parties on special occasions and ordinary weekends. If it happens for you to accept an invitation, then you’ll have the chance to experience the unique Iranian hospitality culture, Iranian family gatherings, and Persian homemade foods altogether. Besides, you’ll get familiar with Persian Taarof. That’s a specific Iranian trait that seems odd to many foreigners or confusing at first sight. For example, at a dinner table, your host asks you many times to have and try different meals. Or, they want to feed up your plate if they see it is half-emptied. That’s a way of showing their caring for your ease and wanting you to eat until you are full.
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Tourists in Yazd enjoying Iranian hospitality
Iranians are famous for the magnitude of their hospitality and warmth, even to strangers and people they meet for the first time. Historical accounts of Persian etiquettes of welcoming guests can be found stupendously in the accounts of European travelers, like the French jeweler, Charles Chardin of the 17th century, who describes Iranians as "the most wheedling people in the world, with the most engaging manners" who never fail to perform "appropriate gestures of politeness".
Beautiful Isfahan is a top destination among tourists in Iran
Safety in Iran
Contrary to the negative propaganda of some Western media, Iran is a safe country and does not pose any threat to citizens and tourists. In recent years, despite the rise of terrorist groups such as ISIS and the Taliban in the Middle East and some of their attacks in the heart of Europe, Iran has been immune from such anti-human practices and is renowned as the safe island of the Middle East. Despite the relatively insecure situation that there is in the world today, not one single serious terrorist incident has been reported in the country.
Tourists report the safety experienced in Iran
Accommodation in Iran
In Iranian touristy cities, it is common for natives to rent their homes to travelers. This type of residence may cause problems with accident insurance. So stay in places that operate under the Iranian Tourism Organization. Certified hotels, guesthouses, and local houses are among the approved venues. If you are traveling on a tour, trust your travel agent or tour guide about accommodation.
Abbasi hotel; The Middle East's most beautiful hotel
Tales of Iranian hospitality by tourists
French photographer Alain Ceccaroli and his wife, Nasma, who visited Iran to hold a photography exhibition, said they were charmed by Iranian culture and hospitality.
He said: "I will recommend my friends in France to make a trip to Iran. Since there is so much propaganda against Iran, I will tell my friends about my observations in Iran and the reality."
The French couple praised the Iranian hospitality
After her first trip to Iran and visiting its southern cities with a rented car, Dutch citizen Anita Dirix describes Iranians as warm-hearted, sweet, and hospitable people living in a country that is safe for foreign tourists of all races and nationalities.
Dirix began her trip from the Alamut mountains in northern Iran with an itinerary that included visiting Tehran, Kashan, Yazd, Kerman, Isfahan, and Shiraz for three weeks.
The Dutch tourist was impressed by Iran’s hospitality, safety
Another tourist visiting Iran, Agnes Simigh says Iran is one of the few countries where you can enjoy genuine hospitality. Perhaps this is why Iran conquers everyone’s heart, and the tourist returning home can only say: “But Iran is wonderful, let alone the Iranian people!”
Agnes in Yazd
Hospitality in Persian literature
The hospitality of Iranians in Persian literature and poetry is also well illustrated in a way that hundreds of verses of poetry have been composed in this regard.
The Persian word for guest is "mehman" (or mihman). When traced to its Avestan root, the literal meaning of the word is synonymous with the verb "maandan" (staying).
For instance, this verse shows how the concept of hospitality is venerated in Iranian culture; "Know him as a gift from thy lord When a guest suddenly shows at your door -- Sanai, Persian Sufi poet of the 12th century."
Ashkan Salehian
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